Owasso Chamber Events
There is always something happening at the Owasso Chamber. For a description of our annual events, click here.

Leadership Owasso Class 2022-2023 Application
Date and Time
Monday Aug 1, 2022
August 29 Introductory Retreat 1PM-6PM
August 30 Introductory Retreat, continued 8AM-5PM
September 27 Non-Profit & Social Services 9AM-5PM
October 18 Owasso Area Economic Development 9AM-4PM
November 15 Public Safety 9AM-4PM
December 13 Owasso Area History & Culture 9AM-4PM
January 17 Education 9AM-4:30 PM
February 21 Health & Wellness 9AM-4PM
March 28 Field Trip to Tulsa 9AM-4PM
April - TBA Owasso Day at the Capitol 9AM-3PM
May 2 City Government 9AM-7:30 PM
June 1 Graduation & Alumni Dinner 6PM-8PM
Locations will vary with each class. Class schedules will given to accepted applications with locations and transportation information.
Tuition is $995 and must be paid in full on or before August 1, 2022. Tuition will cover all of your program materials and meals.
Many employers will pay for your participation in this program. If they have any questions about the process they may contact Chamber President & CEO, Chelsea Levo Feary at 918-272-2141 or chelsea@owassochamber.com
Contact Information
Chelsea Levo Feary
Send Email

Leadership Owasso is a program designed to develop and connect strong leaders in the Owasso area who are interested in expanding their knowledge of government, education, economic development, healthcare, social services, and other quality of life initiatives.
Beginning with the Class of 2022-2023, each Class will begin in August with a mandatory day and a half Leadership Retreat. Each session following will consist of one full-day class a month from September through May, totaling 10 Class Sessions. Each Class will be responsible for presenting a philanthropic class project at the end of class, giving back to the Owasso community. A Graduation and Alumni Dinner will occur in June, giving an opportunity for Classes current and past to celebrate and connect.
Benefits of the Program?
You will grow personally. Through individual participation and group dynamics, participants will discover their leadership potential and gain new insights into themselves as individuals.
You will learn. We can guarantee that every participant will increase his/her knowledge of the Owasso community, no matter how long you have lived here. The scope of Leadership Owasso will engage you in new ideas.
You will meet new people business and community leaders. You will get to know your classmates and form lifelong friendships and community partners. You will also interact with dignitaries from around our city, region and state.
You will gain new perspectives. Participants are selected for their diversity of experiences; therefore, you will hear perspectives that are deeply felt, strongly supported, and perhaps different from your own. You will have many opportunities to share your experiences and beliefs with others who have not heard your voice before.
You will reinforce and energize your commitment to community service. As a result of Leadership Owasso, you will be considerably more effective in your business and community work. You will also be a part of producing a Class Project that gives something back to the Owasso community.
A Worthwhile Commitment
All participants in the Leadership Owasso class are Incredibly busy people from all walks of life.
Your application indicates your commitment to attend and participate in all classes.
Attendance at the Introductory Retreat is mandatory in order to graduate from this program.
Participants must attend each class in its entirety.
You may miss no more than one class during the year in order to successfully complete the program.
If more than one class is missed, you MUST make up the missed classes during the following year before you receive your graduation certificate. There is an additional cost involved for make-up sessions.