Application for Leadership Owasso Class of 2025

Log in to your Owasso Chamber membership to update your profile, post a job, or make a payment.

Please complete all fields and submit 2 reference letters, in order to be considered for the next Leadership Owasso class. Class size is limited to 20 students/year. You will be notified by August 1, 2024 if your application has been accepted.
Personal Information
TITLE = Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss. Dr., etc... SUFFIX = Jr, II, etc...
Ex: 01-31-1980 (Mo/Day/Year)
Employer's Adress
Ex: 555-555-5555
Ex: 555-555-5555
Home Address
Ex: 555-555-5555
Because we often travel from site to site, please include your typical vehicle information so we can ensure we don't lose you when traveling.
If referred by employer or leadership graduate, please state the name of the individual that referred you.
Tuition for Leadership Owasso Class of 2025 is $1,200. Class members are responsible for payment and will be invoiced for their tuition even though their tuition may be paid by their employer or a sponsor. Tuition is due by August 15, 2024 and is not refundable. Tuition will cover all of your program materials and meals.
Leadership Owasso is comprised of ten monthly sessions, beginning with a day and a half retreat in August 2024. Attendance at the introductory retreat in August is mandatory. Participants must attend each class in its entirety. You may miss NO MORE than one class during the year in order to successfully complete the program. If more than one class must be missed, you must work with the Chamber President/CEO on making up the missed class during the immediately following year. There is an additional cost for make-up sessions.
Attendance is mandatory for the completion of the course.
An absence from more than two sessions will make the participant ineligible to graduate from the program. Respectfully, if you are unable to make such a commitment, please do not apply at this time.
Please read the below statement. By typing in your first and last name in the box, you are agreeing to adhere to the rules of Leadership Owasso.
I understand that completion of this application does not ensure my acceptance in the class. If I am accepted, I will be contacted by email and will be sent an electronic invoice for my tuition, as confirmation of my acceptance. I also understand that if I must make up a class the following year, there will be an additional charge of $100 per class for any class I choose to make-up.
Format: M/d/yy
Two letters of reference should be provided. Letters may be uploaded to this application or you may mail, email or hand deliver them to: Owasso Chamber of Commerce Attn: Chelsea Feary 315 S Cedar St Owasso OK 74055 NOTE: Only (1) one letter may be obtained from an applicant's employer.
Employer Support
Full support from participant's employer is required. Please mark whether you have your employer's support, then read the description below the "Employer Support Letter section".
Please upload a copy of your 1st reference letter here. If your file can not be uploaded, please email it to NOTE: Only (1) one letter may be obtained from an applicant's employer.
Please upload a copy of your 2nd reference letter here. If your file can not be uploaded, please email it to NOTE: Only (1) one letter may be obtained from an applicant's employer.
Please attach a letter from your employer stating you have their full support to participate in Leadership Owasso. If this is already stated in your reference letter, there is no need to upload another letter. Support letter must include Employer's Name, Title, Employer's Signature and the Date, along with this statement: "If selected, this employee will have my full support to participate in Leadership Owasso Class of 2025"